Committing to Collegiate


Jewel Hardwick '20, Staff Writer

At Episcopal, over 80% of the student body fills 67 athletic teams. From IMSC to Varsity, students are able to do the sports they love at any level. But what about those students that want to take it further? We asked Langston Hardy ‘2’ about the path from Episcopal’s athletics to a collegiate team and how a student can make it on the stage for Signing Day.

Why did you want to commit to going to the collegiate level?

As a kid, I always wanted to do what I love on the TV. But now, I realize that my childhood aspirations could be made into an opportunity to receive a college education for free.

How did you decide what sport you wanted to commit to?

I’ve played basketball, baseball and football during my time at Episcopal. Football, though, came more naturally to me, so in order to focus solely on football, I was not able to play basketball and baseball this year.

How did committing to going to the collegiate level change how you played?

Once I realized that I had the potential to play at the college level, I had to shift my whole mindset. It was necessary because I realized that this is more than just a few games. It’s my future. I had to drop my other sports and really commit to my goals. 

How did your coaches, college counselors and/or family help you out?

My family has always supported me. My dad can be tough on me, but I always understood why. My mom was the same way, and I never could be in position without them. I have also been blessed with coaches who have been in the same position as me and who have made it to the highest level in this game. Their willingness to help and advice pushed me further to my goals.

How do you connect with coaches at college you are interested in?

During this COVID-19 pandemic, I talk with coaches over FaceTime. Most college coaches like FaceTime the most because it is the closest to talking in person.

Any tips for other athletes wanting to go to the collegiate level?

I would just tell athletes to not care what others say. If you want to play a sport at the college level, just keep working. Also, keep in mind that practice is the most important aspect of committing. Practice is where you can improve, and it gives you the best chance to play at the next level.

Have you committed to a college yet?

No, I haven’t yet. I will be making my decision sometime before the next school year.

Image courtesy of @EpiscopalEagles, on Twitter.