My Experience At Camp Crestridge

This summer I volunteered at Camp Crestridge for Girls. The volunteer program is called the S.A.L.T. program. It stands for Service and Leadership Training. At this camp I was required to wash dishes, clean the dining hall, set up activities and I was assigned adoptive cabins.
I have been going to Camp Crestridge since I was nine years old, and every year this camp has never failed to change my life and make a positive impact on me. Having gone to this camp for so many years, I decided that I wanted to give back to the community that helped me grow not only in my faith, but into a strong and kind person.
As much fun as camp is, we also have times like quiet time to spend praying or reading the Bible, time to talk to our counselors, time for church every morning and time for worship. These times were the most impactful for me as a camper.
I am so glad that I got to have an adoptive cabin. The counselors helped me and guided me back to scripture when I was unmotivated or extremely tired. The campers really helped me keep pushing through all the work because I knew that it would benefit them, and I loved them so much. They always said thank you and appreciated all of the S.A.L.T.’s.
One of my main challenges working at camp was that I barely had time to worship and talk to God. I learned that serving God and others is praising Him and reflecting Him in many ways. Although I was tired, knowing that I was serving my favorite place in the whole world helped me push through all of the dishes and mopping.
As a S.A.L.T., there were 18 other young ladies serving by my side. These girls helped me realize what teamwork really is. As much as people want to, we can not do everything alone. These girls became my best friends, and they still are. They helped me grow as a person and in my faith. Each and every one of them reflected God in their own way and made me learn so much through their testimonies and advice. We had to rely on each other and God the whole month, and I am so thankful to have met these amazing people.
As much mork as it was, I had the best month of my life at this camp. I learned how to let God take control and give me strength to get through all of the hard days. The environment was amazing throughout the whole month. The people at this camp are the sweetest and kindest people you will ever meet. Even though I may have gotten 375 hours, that is not what I gained from this experience. I gained so much wisdom and strength from the month of June, and I will hold this experience in my memory forever.
I hope to go back in the summer of 2023 and become a counselor. I highly recommend sending your kid here as a camper or S.A.L.T.
Image courtesy of Emily Thompson.

Emily Thompson is a senior and a first-year staff member for The Talon Times. Emily is a Varsity swimmer on Episcopal’s swim team. She enjoys going to...