Harvard & MIT Visits

Students in Mrs. Marion Zeiner’s Honors Chemistry and Honors Science Seminar classes were given the opportunity to travel to Boston and tour Harvard and MIT. One day was spent touring MIT, and the second day was spent touring Harvard. Students were able to meet with Episcopal Alumni who are now students at MIT or Harvard or who have graduated from one of the two.
On the tour at MIT, the students met with Ariel Largen, a current MIT student. The students visited the Infinity Hall, a very long hallway, as well as underground tunnels for students to travel through when it is snowing. Dr. Adam Amsterdam showed the students the Zebrafish lab, and Dr. Nathan Monroe, an MIT graduate, gave a tour of the whole campus. The students also visited the Plasma Science Center where Grant Rutherford gave them a tour explaining their goals and aspirations of what they plan to accomplish there.
At Harvard, Ashton Body and Sally Barksdale, two current Harvard students, gave tours of Harvard’s large campus. The students also visited the Wyss Institute (part of Harvard Medical School) where they met with Dr. Max Schubert and were given a tour of the labs as well as insight on his own research. The Harvard University Herbaria and the Collection of Historical Science Instruments Harvard Museums of Science and Culture were also visited with the museum featuring an astrolabe from 1400 and a model of the solar system that Paul Revere helped in the process of making.
All students wrote two letters of gratitude to all those who toured or helped in the process of creating a memorable trip for years to come. Overall, the Harvard MIT trip was a fun-filled adventure for students to further their research into topics that interest them.
Image courtesy of Ms. Julie Carter.

Olivia Messana is a sophomore and a first-year staff member for The Talon Times. Olivia is a Varsity golfer, on Episcopal’s golf team. She enjoys mountain...