Ginny & Georgia: The New Season

Disclaimer: This article contains content that may not be suitable for younger students. It may also include spoilers!
Recently Netflix released a new season of the show Ginny & Georgia. This show is known for its plot surrounding a mother-daughter relationship, with many surprises. The crux of this show is mainly Ginny finding out about her mother’s very interesting past.
In the last season of this show, we learned about Georgia and the things she did to keep Ginny and her son Austin safe. In the second season that was just released, Ginny starts to further understand the reasoning behind why Georgia did illegal and untrustful things to keep her safe.
The mother-daughter aspect is not the only interesting part of this show. There is also a romance plot between multiple people. In the first season, Ginny has a boyfriend, Hunter, but also likes Marcus who is also very into her. Marcus is Ginny’s best friend’s brother. A huge drama unfolds and in the second season, Ginny’s relationship with Marcus continues.
This show is highly recommended, due to the drama and romance. Many people are enjoying this show as it is the top #1 trending show on Netflix at the moment.
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Emily Thompson is a senior and a first-year staff member for The Talon Times. Emily is a Varsity swimmer on Episcopal’s swim team. She enjoys going to...