Class of 2023 Senior Interviews

I have had the privilege to ask a few Class of 2023 Seniors here at Episcopal School of Jacksonville a few questions…
The first question I asked the seniors was: “What is your favorite memory of senior year?”. The answer that stood out to me most was “My favorite memory from senior year was deciding which college I was going to and seeing other people get into different schools,” shared Reagan Reid. This is a very common answer I got, as the class of 2023 have to say their goodbyes soon.
The second question I decided to ask was: “ What are you going to miss most about Episcopal when you graduate?”. The response I got from Chloe Simpson was as follows: “I’m going to miss the faculty the most. Every teacher cares so much individually about each student, and I have been so lucky to develop such a good relationship with my teachers that I will miss in college.” This response was very relatable in which I have had very good connections with many teachers at Episcopal.
The last question I chose to ask in my interviews was: “Who impacted your experience at Episcopal the most?”, the most heartwarming response was from Chloe Simpson, yet again: “Ms. Megan Wickenden taught me to be myself and has aided me in learning to love school and Student Government. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without her and her motivation. She is so unique and wise beyond her years. I’m so grateful to have had her for two years.” This was a very sweet story to hear as many of the seniors are not only saying goodbye to their classmates but also teachers they have grown close to.
As the Class of 2023 leaves we all are saying goodbye to many people, but new people and experiences are to come!
Image courtesy of pxfuel.

Emily Thompson is a senior and a first-year staff member for The Talon Times. Emily is a Varsity swimmer on Episcopal’s swim team. She enjoys going to...