A Nunley Halloween

Happy Halloween! Halloween consists of scaring people, lots of candy, trick or treating,and so much more. Every year for Halloween, as I have been growing up, my mom has all of my friends and family come over to do all of the normal Halloween activities: trick or treat and show off costumes.
At my house over the years, we have formed traditions such as all of the kids play manhunt in my backyard for hours. My mom also always makes chili and chicken chili every year and names all of the toppings different “funny” Halloween themes that make her die of laughter. There is also a punch with sherbet and ice cream in it, which is so good.
I think as much fun as I have dressing up for Halloween, hanging out with my family and friends makes the traditions throughout the years the best part of Halloween! Unfortunately, since of how much we have grown up, my mom decided to cancel the Halloween event this year but all of the memories will never be forgotten.
Image courtesy of publicdomainpictures.net.