Student Spotlight: Chloe Simpson ’23

In this article, I interviewed Chloe Simpson ‘23, Student Government President, on what the 2022-2023 year will look like for the student body!
What would you like to accomplish for this school year as our student body president?
I would like to raise our attendance for all school activities: dances, pep rallies and powderpuff. In addition, I want to develop the officers into confident leaders and a representative of our school so that I can leave the student government in a position to be more successful than the year prior.
Are there any changes you would make from what you did last year? If so, what are they?
Last year we altered our activities to fit the students’ interests. For example, in our Spring Week 2022, we supplemented board games for a student versus teacher basketball game. The change we made saw a huge change in attendance, as the stands in the Semmes were full. We also worked with the deans, obtaining a more relaxed dress code in the handbook, such as the rules surrounding boys’ hair.
What exactly does the student government do?
Student Government plans all of our school dances, men’s and women’s powderpuff, our health safety wellness days, activities during the school year, dress-down days, supports the club of the year and takes in a student-decided initiative to try and supplement our school. We meet almost twice a week to help plan and dedicate our time to making the student’s experience at Episcopal more enjoyable.
Are there any surprises that we as students should watch out for?
More dress-down days and student-teacher competitions!
Image courtesy of Chloe Simpson’s Instagram.